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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Flute instruments comes under which type of instrument category?


Ghana Vadya

Sushira Vadya

Avanaddha Vadya

Tata Vadya

Correct Answer:

Sushira Vadya


The correct answer is Option (2) - Sushira Vadya

Flute instruments fall under the category of Sushira Vadya in Indian classical music terminology. Sushira Vadya refers to wind instruments, where sound is produced by blowing air through the instrument. Flutes, including bamboo flutes, wooden flutes, and metal flutes, are prime examples of Sushira Vadya. These instruments produce sound when the player blows air into the mouthpiece, causing vibrations in the air column inside the flute, which in turn create musical tones. The flute is known for its melodic and expressive capabilities and is widely used in various musical traditions around the world, including classical, folk, and contemporary genres.