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Target Exam



Business Studies


Principles of Management


Choose the false statement, out of the following statements.


Henri Fayol has used personal experience in formation of principles of management

F.W. Taylor focuses on increasing productivity

Henri Fayol focuses on increasing productivity

F.W. Taylor has used observations and experimentation in the formation of principles of scientific management

Correct Answer:

Henri Fayol focuses on increasing productivity


The correct answer is option (3) : Henri Fayol focuses on increasing productivity.

* Henri Fayol has used personal experience in formation of principles of management- This is a correct statement. Henri Fayol, a French mining engineer and management theorist, is widely recognized for his contributions to management theory. He indeed drew upon his personal experiences as a manager and executive while formulating his principles of management

* F.W. Taylor focuses on increasing productivity- This is correct statement.  F.W. Taylor is associated with scientific management, which indeed focuses explicitly on increasing productivity through techniques such as time and motion studies, standardization of work methods, and incentives based on performance. Taylor's work is deeply rooted in the quest for maximizing efficiency and productivity in the workplace.

* Henri Fayol focuses on increasing productivity- This is incorrect statement.  Fayol is known for his administrative theory, which emphasizes principles of management such as unity of command, division of work, and scalar chain. While his principles indirectly contribute to organizational efficiency, his primary focus was on the structure and functions of management rather than directly increasing productivity.

* F.W. Taylor has used observations and experimentation in the formation of principles of scientific management- This is a correct statement. F.W. Taylor, referred to as the "father of scientific management," relied heavily on observations and experimentation in the formation of his principles of scientific management. Taylor began his career as a shop floor worker and later worked his way up to management positions. During this time, he closely observed and analyzed various work processes, noting inefficiencies, wastage, and time-consuming practices. Taylor meticulously studied how tasks were performed, the movements involved, and the overall organization of work.