Practicing Success

Target Exam





Formal/Informal Letters


In a formal letter, sender's address is written ________ :


below the date

above the date

above the subject line

not written

Correct Answer:

above the date


In a formal letter, the sender's address is typically written at the top of the letter, above the date.

Here's the typical layout of a formal letter:

  1. Sender's Address: This includes your full name, street address, city, state/province, postal code, and country (if applicable). It is written flush left on the first page of the letter, typically with some space from the top margin.
  2. Date: The date is written on the same line as the sender's address, but aligned to the right margin.
  3. Recipient's Address: This includes the recipient's full name, title (if applicable), company name (if applicable), street address, city, state/province, postal code, and country (if applicable). It is written below the sender's address and date, again flush left.
  4. Salutation: The formal salutation, such as "Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name]," or "Dear [Title] [Last Name]," is written on the next line below the recipient's address.
  5. Body of the Letter: This is where you write the main content of your letter.
  6. Closing: The closing statement, such as "Sincerely," or "Yours truly," is written on the following line after a line break.
  7. Signature: Your signature should be placed below the closing, leaving space for your typed name below the signature line.