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Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Read the following passage given below and answer the question.

"This is the most powerful, meaningful work we have seen', the famous artist exclaimed to the crowd. 'This is a picture of what could have been a dystopian future. One which offers no hope. However, students, do you see how it has been torn up and repositioned? This signifies that our visionary here, Kabir, has refused to accept any ugly forecast. His picture tells us that we can tear it up and start afresh. Think afresh. Find new solutions. Think of extraordinary ways to make it a more beautiful world. Thank you Kabir".

Principal De murmured too, 'Thank you, Kabir.' She was, however, on the microphone, and therefore the whole crowd of students followed her lead. Hundreds of young voices rang out as one. 'Thank you, Kabir.'

Kabir stood there and grinned. He waved his trophy. He bowed. He did a namaste. When the applause did not die down, he even did a couple of cartwheels.

What inspired the speaker to find new solutions and extraordinary ways of thinking?


Kabir's Photo

The picture made by Kabir

Kabir's trophy

The ugly forecast

Correct Answer:

The picture made by Kabir


The speaker was inspired to find new solutions and extraordinary ways of thinking by:

The picture made by Kabir

The passage mentions that the picture created by Kabir, which signified refusing to accept any ugly forecast and starting afresh, inspired the speaker and students to think of new solutions and extraordinary ways to make the world more beautiful.