Practicing Success

Target Exam





Meeting Life Challenges


Revati is a very sincere student who was offered the post of the Head Girl. She took time to think and accepted the position. Her parents initially did not approve as they thought that it will be extremely challenging for her and can lead her to compromise with her academics. Revati, though had taken the responsibilities keeping all her objectives in mind. She figured out that she would have to make changes in her daily schedule to shoulder the added responsibilities.

On the day of the farewell she was a applauded by all in balancing out well. She shared that she was able to meet her goals with the support of her family especially when she felt low. Also she was regular with her evening walks which helped her to think clearly. Her ability of taking decisions firmly without being self conscious was a life lesson to her.

Revati felt confident and had a solid sense of her own identity which helped manage the demands of her increased responsibilities adequately.

Which life skill does Revati demonstrate most?




Overcoming Unhelpful Habits

Timely sleeping

Correct Answer:


 The correct answer is Option 2: Assertiveness.

Assertiveness is the ability to express oneself clearly and confidently, while respecting the rights and feelings of others. Revati demonstrates assertiveness in several ways throughout the passage.

  • She takes the time to think carefully before making a decision. This shows that she is not impulsive and that she is able to weigh the pros and cons of different options.
  • She is able to say no to her parents when they initially do not approve of her decision to take on the position of Head Girl. This shows that she is not afraid to stand up for herself and her own beliefs.
  • She is able to communicate her needs and expectations to others in a clear and direct way. This is evident in her ability to figure out how she will need to change her daily schedule to shoulder the added responsibilities of being Head Girl.
  • She is able to take responsibility for her actions. This is shown in her ability to manage the demands of her increased responsibilities and to meet her goals.

Assertiveness is an important life skill that can help people to achieve their goals and to build strong relationships. Revati's ability to be assertive is one of the key factors that contributes to her success.