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The Living World


Which of the following statements accurately describes aspects of binomial nomenclature?


Both the initial letters in the genus and species are capitalized.

Biological names are generally in Latin and written in italics

The first word represents the genus while the second component denotes the specific epithet.

Both 2 and 3

Correct Answer:

Both 2 and 3


The correct answer is Option (4) -Both 2 and 3

Biologists follow universally accepted principles to provide scientific names to known organisms. Each name has two components – the Generic name and the specific epithet. This system of providing a name with two components is called Binomial nomenclature. This naming system given by Carolus Linnaeus is being practised by biologists all over the world.

This naming system using a two word format was found convenient. The scientific name of mango is written as Mangifera indica. 

In this name Mangifera represents the genus while indica, is a particular species, or a specific epithet.

Other universal rules of nomenclature are as follows:

1.Biological names are generally in Latin and written in italics. They are Latinised or derived from Latin irrespective of their origin.

2. The first word in a biological name represents the genus while the second component denotes the specific epithet.

3. Both the words in a biological name, when handwritten, are separately underlined, or printed in italics to indicate their Latin origin.

4. The first word denoting the genus starts with a capital letter while the specific epithet starts with a small letter. It can be illustrated with the example of Mangifera indica.