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Target Exam





Macro Economics: Government Budget and Economy


What is the type of economy in India ?


Market Economy

Mixed Economy

Planned Economy

Non-Planned Economy

Correct Answer:

Mixed Economy


The correct answer is option (2) : Mixed Economy

A mixed economy incorporates elements of both market-based and planned economic systems. In India, while there is significant private sector participation and market-driven activities, the government also plays a crucial role through regulation, planning, and public sector enterprises. Therefore, India's economic system is best described as a mixed economy.


  • Market Economy: In a market economy, decisions regarding investment, production, and distribution are based on market forces of supply and demand, with minimal government intervention. India does not operate purely on market principles.

  • Planned Economy: In a planned economy, the government controls most aspects of economic production and distribution, often through centralized planning. This model is not applicable to India.

  • Non-Planned Economy: This term is not commonly used in economic classification.