Practicing Success

Target Exam





Attitudes and Social Cognition


The following processes are followed while forming impressions.

(A) The selected information is combined in a systematic manner
(B) The person who forms the impression is the perceiver and individual about whom the impression is formed is the target
(C) We draw conclusion about what kind of a person the target is
(D) We take into account only some bits of information about the target

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


(B), (D), (A), (C)

(B), (A), (C), (D)

(B), (C), (A), (D)

(B), (D), (C), (A)

Correct Answer:

(B), (D), (A), (C)


The correct order of the processes followed while forming impressions is:

(B) The person who forms the impression is the perceiver and the individual about whom the impression is formed is the target.
(D) We take into account only some bits of information about the target.
(A) The selected information is combined in a systematic manner.
(C) We draw a conclusion about what kind of person the target is.

The process of impression formation consists of the following three subprocesses :

(a) Selection : we take into account only some bits of information about the target person,

(b) Organisation : the selected information is combined in a systematic way, and

(c) Inference : we draw a conclusion about what kind of person the target is.