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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan from ______ to ______.


1947; 1962

1947; 1989

1947; 1958

1947; 1971

Correct Answer:

1947; 1971


The correct answer is Option 4- 1947; 1971

Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan from 1947 to 1971. So the answer is ☀ 1947; 1971.

When British India was partitioned in 1947, the eastern part of Bengal became East Pakistan, while the western part of Bengal became West Bengal, a state in India. East Pakistan was geographically separated from West Pakistan by over 1,000 miles of Indian territory.

The two wings of Pakistan had very different cultures and languages. West Pakistan was predominantly Punjabi and Muslim, while East Pakistan was predominantly Bengali and Hindu.

The government of Pakistan was dominated by West Pakistanis, who discriminated against East Pakistanis in terms of economic development and political representation.

In 1971, the people of East Pakistan launched a war of independence against Pakistan. The war ended in the defeat of Pakistan and the establishment of Bangladesh as an independent nation.

Bangladesh is now a member of the United Nations and other international organizations. It is a major economy in South Asia and is known for its textile industry and its rich cultural heritage.