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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Crisis of democratic Order


What is preventive detention?


Detaining individuals for political activism

Detaining individuals for minor offenses

Detaining individuals after they have committed an offense

Detaining individuals based on apprehension that they may commit an offense

Correct Answer:

Detaining individuals based on apprehension that they may commit an offense


Answer: Detaining individuals based on apprehension that they may commit an offense

The government made extensive use of preventive detention. Under this provision, people are arrested and detained not because they have committed any offence, but on the apprehension that they may commit an offence. Using preventive detention acts, the government made large scale arrests during the Emergency. Arrested political workers could not challenge their arrest through habeas corpus petitions. Many cases were filed in the High Courts and the Supreme Court by and on behalf of arrested persons, but the government claimed that it was not even necessary to inform the arrested persons of the reasons and grounds of their arrest. Several High Courts gave judgments that even after the declaration of Emergency the courts could entertain a writ of habeas corpus filed by a person challenging his/her detention. In April 1976, the constitution bench of the Supreme Court over-ruled the High Courts and accepted the government’s plea. It meant that during Emergency the government could take away the citizen’s right to life and liberty. This judgment closed the doors of judiciary for the citizens and is regarded as one of the most controversial judgments of the Supreme Court.