Practicing Success

Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


The village school was located in a prominent place where apart from the school, there were a few shops, a small temple and a government dispensary. The headmaster of the school was a learned and scholarly man loved by all. The dispensary was looked after by a doctor and a male nurse. The doctor attended the dispensary very punctually and used to retire to his residence after the duty hours and never allowed anyone to visit his residence after the duty hours.

The school was housed in dilapidated building and very often the headmaster used to take the children out to the nearby garden where they could play and take part in various sports and games under the able supervision of the headmaster.

One day a stray dog entered the garden when the children were playing. One of them pelted a stone at the dog and it started barking and all of a sudden became boisterous and bit a child in the leg. The boy was very badly hurt and his leg started bleeding. The children who by this time became panicky rushed to the headmaster who together with a few students, took the child to the nearby dispensary and then to the doctors residence.

The headmaster knocked at the door of the doctor for help. But the doctor refused to open the door and made it clear that he would not attend to anyone howsoever serious he may be, during his leisure hours. However the headmaster continued to knock at the door and finally the doctor opened the door when he saw the headmaster trembling with fear and the student in agony and pain.

The doctor mellowed down now and took the child to the dispensary for bandaging an d giving necessary injections and medicines. The doctor was impressed by the dedication and sincerity of the headmaster. He realized his folly and decided to attend to the needy and sick even during his leisure hours.

The village school was located near the






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (2) - Market