Why are monarch butterflies distasteful to predators? |
The ugly look of the monarch butterfly A special chemical present in the body of the monarch butterfly Both (a) and (b) a poison secreted by their special glands |
A special chemical present in the body of the monarch butterfly |
The correct answer is Option (2) -A special chemical present in the body of the monarch butterfly Monarch butterflies are distasteful to predators because they contain a special chemical present in its body. This chemical is poisonous to predators, and it makes the monarch butterflies taste bad. The butterfly acquires this chemical during its caterpillar stage by feeding on a poisonous weed and contain these chemicals as a defense against predators. When the monarch butterflies eat the weed plants, they absorb the chemical into their bodies. This chemical make the monarch butterflies taste bad to predators. If a predator eats a monarch butterfly, it will likely vomit up the butterfly and learn to avoid them in the future. This helps to protect the monarch butterflies from predators. |