In the experimental study of photoelectric effect, a graph of stopping potential versus frequency of incident radiation for two metals A and B is plotted and identical slopes for both are obtained with different cut off frequencies $\left(v_{D B}>v_{O A}\right)$. So |
Slope for all metals is same = h/e. Here work function of A > work function of B Slope for all metals is same = h/e. Here work function of B > work function of A Slope for all metals is same = h. Here work function of A > work function of B Slope for all metals is same = h. Here work function of B > work function of A |
Slope for all metals is same = h/e. Here work function of B > work function of A |
The correct answer is Option (2) → Slope for all metals is same = h/e. Here work function of B > work function of A By Einstein’s photoelectric equation $\phi=f_0+e V$ $h v=h v_0+e V$ $V=\frac{h v}{e}-\frac{h v_0}{e}$ On comparing with y = mx + x $m=\frac{h}{e}$ for all metal Cut-off frequency for B is more therefore work function of B will be more. |