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Target Exam





Ray Optics


The reddish appearance of the sun during sun rise and sunset is due to


Wavelength of red light is more and hence its scattering is more

Red light has higher energy and hence reaches our eyes even after travelling long distances

Due to its. longer wavelength, its scattering is least hence travels longer and reach our eyes

Because it does not follow Rayleigh scattering

Correct Answer:

Due to its. longer wavelength, its scattering is least hence travels longer and reach our eyes


The correct answer is option (3) : Due to its. longer wavelength, its scattering is least hence travels longer and reach our eyes .

At sunrise and sunset rays pass through a larger distance through atmosphere so most of blue and other shorter wavelength are removed by scattering. The least scattered light reaches our eyes.

Amount of scattering $∝\frac{1}{\lambda^4}$