Practicing Success

Target Exam





Therapeutic Approaches


The repeated process of using confrontation, clarification, and interpretation is known as ________ in Psychodynamic Therapy.




Working Through

Free Association

Correct Answer:

Working Through


The repeated process of using confrontation, clarification, and interpretation in psychodynamic therapy is known as working through.

Working through is a process of helping the client to understand and resolve their unconscious conflicts. It is done by repeatedly confronting the client with their resistances and distortions, and by clarifying and interpreting their thoughts and feelings.

Transference is the process by which the client transfers their feelings and attitudes towards significant people in their life onto the therapist. Resistance is the client's opposition to the therapeutic process, which can take many forms, such as silence, forgetting, or avoidance. Free association is a technique in which the client is encouraged to say whatever comes to mind, without censorship.

Working through is an essential part of psychodynamic therapy, and it can be a long and difficult process. However, it can be very effective in helping the client to improve their mental health and well-being.