Practicing Success

Target Exam





Therapeutic Approaches


The primary focus of existential therapy is on:


Emotional insight and understanding of conflicts

Changing faulty behavior and thought patterns

Personal growth and self-awareness

Reduction of distress and symptoms

Correct Answer:

Personal growth and self-awareness


The chief benefit to the client varies depending on the therapeutic approach utilized:

In psychodynamic therapy, the primary benefit is seen in the development of emotional insight. This occurs when the client gains intellectual understanding of their conflicts, accepts them on an emotional level, and is able to change their emotional responses towards these conflicts. As a result, the client experiences a reduction in symptoms and distress.

Behavior therapy focuses on changing faulty behavior and thought patterns into adaptive ones as the chief benefit of treatment. By establishing healthier behavior and thought patterns, distress is reduced, and symptoms are alleviated.

In humanistic therapy, the chief benefit lies in personal growth. This involves the client gaining a deeper understanding of themselves, including their aspirations, emotions, and motives. Through the process of personal growth, the client experiences self-discovery and self-actualization.