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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge




Which of the following is a plant tissue?

I. Meristematic tissue

II. Permanent tissue


Only II

Both I and II

Neither I nor II

Only I

Correct Answer:

Both I and II


The correct answer is Option (2) –Both I and II

  • I. Meristematic tissue
  • II. Permanent tissue

Plant tissues can be broadly classified into two main categories:

  • Meristematic tissue: This is a type of tissue that is composed of actively dividing cells. Meristematic tissues are responsible for the growth of the plant. They are located in various regions of the plant, such as the tips of roots and shoots.
  • Permanent tissue: This type of tissue is composed of mature cells that have stopped dividing. Permanent tissues perform specific functions within the plant, such as providing support, transporting water and nutrients, and carrying out photosynthesis. Permanent tissues are further differentiated into various types based on their structure and function, such as xylem, phloem, and sclerenchyma.