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Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: The Constitution and Social Change


____ is an example of decentralised and grassroot democracy.


Gorkhaland Territorial Administration

Panchayati raj

Zilla Parishad

Bodoland Territorial Administration

Correct Answer:

Panchayati raj


Among the options, the most fitting example of decentralized and grassroots democracy is: Panchayati Raj

Here's why:

  • Panchayati Raj: This system refers to elected village-level councils in India, established to bring decision-making closer to the people. It offers a platform for local communities to directly participate in planning and managing their affairs through elected representatives. This aligns with the principles of decentralized and grassroots democracy.
  • Gorkhaland Territorial Administration: While this body has some autonomy in managing certain affairs of the Darjeeling hills in West Bengal, it isn't directly elected by the local population at the grassroots level. Its members are appointed by the state government.
  • Zilla Parishad: This is a district-level council within the Panchayati Raj structure. While it plays a role in local governance, it's not the foundational unit of the system and doesn't directly represent the grassroots populace in the same way as village-level panchayats.
  • Bodoland Territorial Administration: Similar to Gorkhaland, this body enjoys some autonomy for the Bodoland region in Assam but falls under the broader structure of the Indian state and doesn't represent the same level of direct grassroots participation as panchayats.