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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following is NOT the correct match?


The acid present in tomato - Formic acid

The acid present in orange - citric acid

The acid present in grapes - Tartaric acid

The acid present in rancid butter - Butyric acid

Correct Answer:

The acid present in tomato - Formic acid


The correct answer is Option (1) – The acid present in tomato - Formic acid

Out of the choices you listed, the NOT correct match is: The acid present in tomato - Formic acid

Here's the breakdown:

  • Citric acid is a major acid found in oranges.
  • Tartaric acid is a prominent acid present in grapes.
  • Butyric acid is indeed the acid that contributes to the unpleasant smell of rancid butter.
  • Tomatoes contain several acids, but the major ones are citric acid and malic acid. Formic acid is present only in trace amounts.

Therefore, tomatoes primarily contain citric and malic acids, not formic acid.