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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Era of one Party Dominance


How did the Congress party accommodate diverse groups and ideologies?


By merging all identities within the party

By excluding groups with conflicting beliefs

By forming coalitions with opposition parties

By allowing separate organizations within the Congress

Correct Answer:

By allowing separate organizations within the Congress


During the pre-Independence era, the Congress served as a platform that welcomed numerous groups, interests, and even political parties, allowing them to participate in the national movement. Many organizations and parties, with their own constitutions and organizational structures, coexisted within the Congress. However, some entities, such as the Congress Socialist Party, later chose to separate from the Congress and become opposition parties.

Despite differences in methods, specific programs, and policies, the Congress party managed to contain, if not fully resolve, these internal dissensions and build a consensus. It navigated through diverse viewpoints, aiming to find common ground and maintain unity in the pursuit of its political objectives.