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Business Studies




Which type of communication flows through the official channels designed in the organisation chart ?


Grapevine Communication

Formal Communication

Informal Communication

Indirect Communication

Correct Answer:

Formal Communication


The correct answer is option (2) : Formal Communication

The type of communication that flows through the official channels designed in the organization chart is:

(2) Formal Communication.

• Formal communication refers to the flow of official information, messages, orders, requests, and other relevant communications through the designated channels established by the organizational hierarchy. This type of communication follows a predefined structure and adheres to the established rules, procedures, and protocols of the organization. It is essential for conveying official information and ensuring that communication is clear, consistent, and documented within the organization.

(1) Grapevine Communication / (3) Informal Communication :

• Grapevine communication refers to the informal, unofficial, and often unofficially spread information, rumors, or gossip within an organization. This type of communication typically occurs among employees at various levels and across different departments, outside the formal channels of communication. It often spreads quickly and can be based on personal perceptions, interpretations, or even misunderstandings. While grapevine communication can sometimes provide insights into employee sentiments and concerns, it can also lead to the spread of misinformation and create challenges for effective communication within the organization.

(4) Indirect Communication :

• Indirect communication generally refers to a form of communication where the message is not delivered directly or explicitly. This could involve using hints, implications, or non-verbal cues to convey a message. Indirect communication may sometimes be used in certain contexts, such as in diplomatic or subtle situations, where a direct approach might be considered inappropriate. However, it can also lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations if the intended message is not effectively conveyed.