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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Challenges of nation Building


What was the significance of the year 1947 in human history?


It marked the formation of a separate Muslim nation.

It witnessed one of the largest and most tragic population transfers.

It led to the division of communities based on religion.

It marked the beginning of religious conflicts in India.

Correct Answer:

It witnessed one of the largest and most tragic population transfers.


The partition of India refers to the division of British India into two separate nations: India and Pakistan. It occurred in 1947, following the end of British colonial rule in the Indian subcontinent. The partition was primarily based on religious lines, with the creation of a separate Muslim-majority state, Pakistan, to address the demands of the Muslim League for a separate homeland.

The partition of India resulted in one of history's largest and most tragic mass migrations. Millions of Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs were forced to leave their homes and migrate to India or Pakistan based on religious identity. This led to immense suffering, loss of life, and property.