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Target Exam





Modern India: Rebels and the Raj


Read the passage answer the questions :
The reason for the similarity in the pattern of the revolt in the different places lay partly in its planning and coordination. It is clear that there was communication between the sepoy lines of various cantonments. After the 7th Awadh Irregular Cavalry had refused to accept the new cartridges in early May, they wrote to the 48th Native Infantry that "they had acted for the faith and awaited the 48th's orders". Sepoys or their emissaries moved from one station to another. People were thus planning and talking about the rebellion.

Which is the first cantonment where the rebellion took place?

1. Awadh Irregular Cavalry
2. Cantonment of Meerut
3. Cantonment of Kanpur
4. Cantonment of Lucknow






Correct Answer:



The first cantonment where the rebellion took place was the Cantonment of Meerut.

Late in the afternoon of 10 May 1857, the sepoys in the cantonment of Meerut broke out in mutiny. It began in the lines of the native infantry, spread very swiftly to the cavalry and then to the city. The ordinary people of the town and surrounding villages joined the sepoys. The sepoys captured the bell of arms where the arms and ammunition were kept and proceeded to attack white people, and to ransack and burn their bungalows and property. Government buildings – the record office, jail, court, post office, treasury, etc. – were destroyed and plundered. The telegraph line to Delhi was cut. As darkness descended, a group of sepoys rode off towards Delhi.