Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Numerical Ability


Time, Speed and Distance


The distance between two stations, A and B, is 428 km. A train starts from station ‘A’ at 6:00 a.m. and moves towards station ‘B’ at an average speed of 48 km/h. Another train starts from station ‘B’ at 6:20 a.m. and moves towards station ‘A’ at an average speed of 55 km/h. At what time will the trains meet?


10 : 20 a.m.

9 : 40 a.m.

10 : 40 a.m.

10 : 00 a.m.

Correct Answer:

10 : 20 a.m.


Distance between A and B = 428 km

Speed of first train = 48 km/hr

Distance = Speed × Time

Distanced covered in 20 min by first train = 48 × \(\frac{20}{60}\) = 16 km

Remaining distance = 428 - 16 = 412 km

Speed of second train = 55 km/hr
Relative speed (when both moves in opposite direction)= 48 + 55 = 103 km/hr

 Time = \(\frac{Distance}{Speed}\)

= \(\frac{412}{103}\)= 4 hr

So ,  Train meet each other = 6 : 00 + 0 : 20 + 4 : 00 = 10 : 20 am