Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following statements about Paramhansa Mandalis is INCORRECT?


They were primarily interested in breaking caste rules.

Its founders did not believe in God.

It was founded in 1849 in Maharashtra.

They also advocated for widow remarriage and women’s education.

Correct Answer:

Its founders did not believe in God.


The correct answer is Option 2- Its founders did not believe in God.

The incorrect statement about Paramhansa Mandali is that its founders did not believe in God.

Paramhansa Mandali was a secret socio-religious group founded in 1849 in Bombay by Durgaram Mehtaji, Dadoba Pandurang, and a group of their friends. The group was influenced by the ideas of the Brahmo Samaj, a Hindu reform movement that advocated for monotheism, social reform, and religious freedom.

The Paramhansa Mandali believed in one God and rejected the worship of idols. They also supported widow remarriage, women's education, and the abolition of caste. The group was active in social reform and worked to improve the lives of the poor and marginalized.