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Target Exam





Therapeutic Approaches


An alcoholic is given a mild electric shock and asked to smell the alcohol. Repeatedly pairing the smell of alcohol with the pair of the shock leads to giving up of alcohol by the person. Identify the behavioural technique being used here.


Negative reinforcement

Token economy

Aversive conditiong


Correct Answer:

Aversive conditiong


Aversive conditioning is a type of behavioral therapy that aims to reduce unwanted behavior by pairing it with an unpleasant stimulus. In this case, the alcoholic is given a mild electric shock every time they smell alcohol. This pairing of the unpleasant stimulus (shock) with the unwanted behavior (drinking alcohol) is intended to create a negative association in the person's mind, making them less likely to drink alcohol in the future.

The other options are not as accurate:

  • Negative reinforcement involves removing an unpleasant stimulus after an unwanted behavior has occurred, not pairing an unpleasant stimulus with the behavior itself.

  • Token economy is a behavioral therapy technique that uses rewards or tokens to reinforce desired behaviors. It is not typically used to reduce unwanted behaviors.

  • Modeling is a technique that involves observing and imitating the behavior of others. It is not typically used to directly reduce unwanted behaviors.