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Political Science




Which statement is incorrect about human dignity according to Immanuel Kant?


Every person has dignity by virtue of being human.

Dignity is only for educated and powerful individuals.

To treat people with dignity was to treat them morally.

Even dishonest or immoral individuals deserve dignity.

Correct Answer:

Dignity is only for educated and powerful individuals.


The correct answer is Option 2 - Dignity is only for educated and powerful individuals.

Statement B. Dignity is only for educated and powerful individuals is incorrect because for Kant a person may be uneducated, poor or powerless. He may even be dishonest or immoral. Yet, he remains a human being and deserves to be given some minimum dignity. 

Human beings’, unlike all other objects, possess dignity. They are, for this reason valuable in themselves. For the eighteenth century German philosopher, Immanuel Kant, this simple idea had a deep meaning. It meant that every person has dignity and ought to be so treated by virtue of being a human being. A person may be uneducated, poor or powerless. He may even be dishonest or immoral. Yet, he remains a human being and deserves to be given some minimum dignity. For Kant, to treat people with dignity was to treat them morally. This idea became a rallying point for those struggling against social hierarchies and for human rights. Kant’s views represent, what is called, the moral conception of rights. This position rests upon two arguments. First, we should be treating others as we would like to be treated ourselves. Second, we should make sure that we don’t treat the other person as means to our ends. We should not treat people as we treat a pen, a car, or a horse. That is, we should respect people not because they are useful to us but because they are, after all, human beings.