Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Business Environment


Match the following-

(A) Removal of restrictions on the movement of goods and services (I) Demonetisation
(B) Planned disinvestments of the public sector (II) Globalisation 
(C) Free flow of information and technology (III) Privatisation
(D) Ceasing to be legal tender (IV) Liberalisation

 Choose the correct answer from the options given below:






Correct Answer:



* Removal of restrictions on the movement of goods and services- Liberalisation: The economic reforms that were introduced were aimed at liberalising the Indian business and industry from all unnecessary controls and restrictions. They signalled the end of the licence-pemit-quota raj. Liberalisation of the Indian industry has taken place with respect to: (i) abolishing licensing requirement in most of the industries except a short list, (ii) freedom in deciding the scale of business activities i.e., no restrictions on expansion or contraction of business activities, (iii) removal of restrictions on the movement of goods and services, (iv) freedom in fixing the prices of goods services.

* Planned disinvestments of the public sector- Privatisation: The new set of economic reforms aimed at giving greater role to the private sector in the nation building process and a reduced role to the public sector. This was a reversal of the development strategy pursued so far by Indian planners. To achieve this, the government redefined the role of the public sector in the New Industrial Policy of 1991, adopted the policy of planned disinvestments of the public sector and decided to refer the loss making and sick enterprises to the Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction. The term disinvestments used here means transfer in the public sector enterprises to the private sector. It results in dilution of stake of the Government in the public enterprise. If there is dilution of Government ownership beyond 51 percent, it would result in transfer of ownership and management of the enterprise to the private sector.

* Free flow of information and technology- Globalisation: Globalisation means the integration of the various economies of the world leading towards the emergence of a cohesive global economy. Till 1991, the Government of India had followed a policy of strictly regulating imports in value and volume terms. These regulations were with respect to (a) licensing of imports, (b) tariff restrictions and (c) quantitative restrictions. The new economic reforms aimed at trade liberalisation were directed towards import liberalisation, export promotion through rationalisation of the tariff structure and reforms with respect to foreign exchange so that the country does not remain isolated from the rest of the world. Globalisation involves an increased level of interaction and interdependence among the various nations of the global economy. Physical geographical gap or political boundaries no longer remain barriers for a business enterprise to serve a customer in a distant geographical market.

* Ceasing to be legal tender - Demonetisation: The Government of India, made an announcement on November 8, 2016 with profound implications for the Indian economy. The two largest denomination notes, ₹500, ₹1,000, were ‘demonetised’ with immediate effect, ceasing to be legal tender except for a few specified purposes such as paying utility bills. This led to eighty six per cent of the money in circulation invalid. The people of India had to deposit the invalid currency in the banks which came along with the restrictions placed on cash withdrawals. In other words, restrictions were placed on the convertibility of domestic money and bank deposits.