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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Name the committee formed for the Village and Small-scale Industries in 1955?


Rangarajan Committee

Basel Committee

Karve Committee

Narasimhan Committee

Correct Answer:

Karve Committee


The correct answer is Option (3) - Karve Committee

The Karve Committee, formed in 1955, was tasked with studying the challenges and opportunities faced by village and small-scale industries in India. The committee was named after its chairman, D. R. Karve, a prominent economist and social reformer.

The primary objective of the Karve Committee was to assess the state of village and small-scale industries, understand the impediments to their growth, and propose measures for their development. These industries played a crucial role in the Indian economy, particularly in rural areas, by providing employment opportunities, fostering entrepreneurship, and promoting economic decentralization.

The committee conducted extensive research and consultations with stakeholders, including industry representatives, government officials, and experts in the field. It analyzed various aspects of village and small-scale industries, such as infrastructure, finance, marketing, technology, and skill development.

Based on its findings, the Karve Committee submitted a comprehensive report with recommendations to the government. These recommendations aimed to address the challenges faced by village and small-scale industries and promote their sustainable growth and competitiveness. The recommendations encompassed policy measures, institutional support, financial assistance, infrastructure development, and skill enhancement initiatives.

The insights and recommendations of the Karve Committee played a significant role in shaping the government's policies and programs for the development of village and small-scale industries in India. It contributed to the formulation of strategies to strengthen these sectors, enhance their productivity and efficiency, and integrate them into the broader framework of economic development and social welfare.