Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Active Passive Voice


Select the correct Active/Passive form of the given sentence.

You will have completed the studies by tomorrow.


The studies will be completed by tomorrow.

The studies will be completed by tomorrow by you.

The studies will have been completed by tomorrow.

The studies would be completed by tomorrow.

Correct Answer:

The studies will have been completed by tomorrow.


The correct Active/Passive form of the given sentence is:

The studies will have been completed by tomorrow.

So, the correct passive form is: "The studies will have been completed by tomorrow."

The other options and their explanations:

☀ The studies will be completed by tomorrow.

  • This option is in the passive voice, but it uses the simple future tense ("will be completed") instead of the future perfect tense used in the original sentence. The correct option includes the idea that the completion of the studies will happen before a specific future time.

☀ The studies will be completed by tomorrow by you.

  • This option is also in the passive voice, but it unnecessarily adds "by you" as the agent, which is already implied in the original sentence. The correct passive construction does not need to specify the agent since it's evident from the context.

☀ The studies would be completed by tomorrow.

  • This option uses the modal verb "would," which suggests a conditional or uncertain situation. The original sentence uses "will," indicating a definite future action. The correct option maintains the use of "will" to express certainty in the future completion of the studies.