Giftedness refers to very superior intellectual functioning with an IQ of _________ or above. |
80 90 130 100 |
130 |
Giftedness is generally defined as having an IQ score above 130. Giftedness is exceptional general ability shown in superior performance in a wide variety of areas. The mean IQ score in a population is 100. People with IQ scores in the range of 90–110 have normal intelligence. Those with IQ below 70 are suspected to have ‘intellectual disability’, while persons with IQ above 130 are considered to have exceptional talents. Classification of People on the Basis of IQ IQ Range Descriptive Label Per cent in the Population Above 130 Very superior 2.2 120 – 130 Superior 6.7 110 – 119 High average 16.1 90 – 109 Average 50.0 80 – 89 Low average 16.1 70 – 79 Borderline 6.7 Below 70 Intellectually disabled 2.2 |