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Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the given Idiom: "Gall and wormwood"


Bitterness and resentment.

Happy and contended

A type of wood used for furniture

None of these

Correct Answer:

Bitterness and resentment.


The most appropriate meaning of the idiom "gall and wormwood" is bitterness and resentment. This idiom comes from the literal meaning of the phrase, which is two bitter substances that were used as a punishment in ancient times. In the same way, the idiom "gall and wormwood" can be used to describe the feeling of intense bitterness and resentment, often caused by a perceived injustice or wrongdoing.

The other meanings of the idiom "gall and wormwood" are not as common. The meaning "happy and contended" is more likely to be expressed as simply "happy." The meaning "a type of wood used for furniture" is not associated with the idiom "gall and wormwood" at all.