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Target Exam





Attitudes and Social Cognition

Attitude is a psychological concept that refers to an individual's overall evaluation or opinion towards a person, object, idea, or situation. It encompasses a person's beliefs, emotions, and behaviors, and it plays a crucial role in shaping our thoughts and actions. Attitudes are formed through a combination of personal experiences, social influences, and cognitive processes. They can be positive, negative, or neutral, and they can vary in intensity and stability. Attitudes serve as a lens through which we interpret and respond to the world around us. Attitudes can have a profound impact on our behavior. They guide our choices, influence our relationships, and shape our responses to different situations. For example, someone with a positive attitude towards physical fitness may engage in regular exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle, while someone with a negative attitude may avoid physical activity altogether. Attitudes are not static and can be subject to change through various factors, such as new information, persuasive communication, or personal experiences. Understanding attitudes is essential in fields such as psychology, marketing, and social sciences, as it provides insights into human behavior and decision-making processes.

What does simplicity or complexity refer to in relation to attitudes?


The positivity or negativity of attitudes

The number of attitudes within an attitude system

The extremeness of attitudes

The role of attitudes in decision-making

Correct Answer:

The number of attitudes within an attitude system


Simplicity or complexity in relation to attitudes refers to the number of attitudes within an attitude system. Attitude systems can be simple, consisting of one or a few attitudes, or complex, consisting of multiple attitudes within a broader attitude framework. Complex attitude systems involve holding various attitudes on different topics. Simplicity or Complexity is also called multiplexity.