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Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Change and Development in Rural Society


Read the passage and answer following questions.

Local commentary increasingly contrasts the sampurna (wholeness) of the organic produce with that of the hybrid produce. An elderly woman Bhargawa Hugar, in the village of Madbhavi, said: What.... they used to grow some wheat, red sorghum.... plant a few tubers, chilli plants... cotton. Now there's only hibrad (hybrid) ... where's the javari (organic/ local)? Hybrid seeds... hybrid crops.. even the children are hybrid. Hybrid seeds are sown on the earth... the children born are also hybrid.

Which among these is not an outcome of Green Revolution?


Shift from payments in kind to payments in cash

Rise of free wage labourers

Empowerment of agriculture labour

Loosening of 'Traditional Bonds"

Correct Answer:

Empowerment of agriculture labour


The correct answer is Option (3) → Empowerment of agriculture labour

Several profound transformations in the nature of social relations in rural areas took place in the post-Independence period, especially in those regions that underwent the Green Revolution. These included: „

a. an increase in the use of agricultural labour as cultivation became more intensive; „

b. a shift from payment in kind (grain) to payment in cash; „

c. a loosening of traditional bonds or hereditary relationships between farmers or landowners and agricultural workers (known as bonded labour); „ and

d. the rise of a class of ‘free’ wage labourers’