Practicing Success

Target Exam





Foreign/Latin Words


Choose the foreign word from the given options that means 'indispensable condition to achieve something':


Summum bonum

Sine qua non

Son et lu miere

Suo moto

Correct Answer:

Sine qua non


The correct answer is Option (2) → Sine qua non

The correct foreign word that means 'indispensable condition to achieve something' is Sine qua non.

The meanings of the four options:

1. Summum bonum:  -
This is a Latin phrase meaning "the highest good." It is often used in philosophy to describe the ultimate goal or the most important value in life.

2. Sine qua non: - This is a Latin phrase meaning "without which not." It refers to an indispensable and essential condition. In other words, it is something that is absolutely necessary for a particular result to be achieved.

3. Son et lumière:  -
This is a French phrase meaning "sound and light." It is commonly used to describe a type of nighttime entertainment that involves the use of lighting effects and recorded sound, often to tell a story about a historical monument.

4. Suo moto:  -
This is a Latin legal term meaning "on its own motion." It refers to an action taken by a court or a regulatory authority on its own initiative, without a request from any party involved.