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Target Exam







Choose the correct option to change the following sentence into Direct Speech.

The supervisor confirmed that the office memo was an original one.


The supervisor said, "the office memo is an original one."

The supervisor said, "the office order was an original one."

The supervisor said, "the office order has been an original one."

The supervisor said, "the office order is an original one."

Correct Answer:

The supervisor said, "the office memo is an original one."


The correct answer is Option (1) → The supervisor said, "the office memo is an original one."

Here's why:

  • The supervisor said:This introduces the reporting verb in direct speech.
  • The office memo: This keeps the subject of the reported statement the same.
  • Is an original: In direct speech, the present tense "is" is often used to report a statement made in the past tense ("was"). This is because we are focusing on the content of the speech itself, not the exact timing.

"Office order" could be used depending on the context, but "office memo" is the more likely term for a written communication within an office. "Has been" is not appropriate because it changes the meaning slightly, implying a past state that continues to the present.