Practicing Success

Target Exam



Fine Arts


The Pahari Schools of Painting


What does the description of Gita Govinda begin with?


How Ram and Sita fall in love on the banks of river Saryu

Radha's sulking in a bower

War between Krishna and Kansha

How Radha and Krishna fall in love on the banks of river Yamuna

Correct Answer:

How Radha and Krishna fall in love on the banks of river Yamuna


Answer: The description of Gita Govinda begins with the description of how Radha and Krishna fall in love on the banks of river Yamuna.

Gita Govinda is Manaku’s most outstanding set of works. Composed by Jayadeva, Gita Govinda begins with the description of how Radha and Krishna fall in love on the banks of river Yamuna. A delightful description of spring follows and the poet describes the sports of Krishna with other gopis. Ignored by Krishna, heartbroken Radha sulks in a bower as her friend, sakhi, describes how Krishna continues to wander with the pretty cowherd girls. After sometime, Krishna feels remorseful and starts looking for Radha, and on not finding her, laments for her. The messenger, now, goes to Radha and tells her of the longing of Krishna for her. Ultimately, she persuades her to meet him and what follows is the mystic union. Though the characters are divine and enact the play at a philosophical plane, where Radha is a devotee or soul, and Krishna, the cosmic power, in whom she is to be drowned. The love sport played here is rather human.