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Target Exam





Ancient India: Kings, Farmers and Towns


Identify the scripts deciphered by James Prinsep.


Bengali and Devanagari

Sanskrit and Prakrit

Brahmi and Kharosthi

Greek and Indo-Greek

Correct Answer:

Brahmi and Kharosthi


The correct answer is Option (3) → Brahmi and Kharosthi

James Prinsep is known for his significant contributions to the decipherment of ancient scripts, particularly the Brahmi and Kharosthi scripts.

Some of the most momentous developments in Indian epigraphy took place in the 1830s. This was when James Prinsep, an officer in the mint of the East India Company, deciphered Brahmi and Kharosthi, two scripts used in the earliest inscriptions and coins.

Early scholars studying ancient inscriptions often mistakenly assumed them to be in Sanskrit, when in reality, they were written in Prakrit, an earlier vernacular language. It was only after years of meticulous investigations by several epigraphists that James Prinsep succeeded in deciphering Asokan Brahmi in 1838.
European scholars proficient in reading Greek were instrumental in this decipherment. They observed similarities in the letters used in both scripts when writing names, such as "Apollodotus." By comparing the two scripts, they found that the symbol for "a" appeared in both. With the identification of the language in Kharosthi inscriptions as Prakrit, the decipherment process extended to reading longer inscriptions as well. This breakthrough was attributed to the work of James Prinsep.