Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Tina is a Chief Operating Officer in a company. She is responsible for welfare and survival of her organisation, so she continuously make efforts for the upliftment of her organisation. She has started various types of rewards like bonus, co-partnership and job enrichment for those employees who achieve their targets efficiently. Due to this step, her subordinates act in a desired manner to achieve organisational goals. She also applies her ability to maintain good inter personal relations. She does not believe in the use of power unless it is absolutely essential so she give high degree of independence to her subordinates. After all these efforts of Tina her company is growing rapidly.

'Her subordinates act in a desired manner to achieve organisation goals’.

Which element of Directing is pointed out in this statement?






Correct Answer:



Motivation is the process of stimulating people to action to accomplish desired goals of organisation. It is an internal feeling of an individual and leads to goal directed behaviour. Motivation is mainly based on needs of individuals. It helps individuals and groups in the organisation for improved performance. Managers offer incentives to employees both financial and non financial. Financial incentives are monetary and may be in the form of salary, bonus, profit sharing, pension, etc. Non financial incentives provide social and psychological satisfaction. These include status, promotion, responsibility, job enrichment, job recognition, job security, employee participation, delegation, empowerment etc.