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Target Exam





Ancient India: Bricks, Beads and Bones


What was the purpose of the thick clay coatings on large Harappan jars found at Omani sites?


To enhance the visual appeal of the jars

To protect the jars from damage during transportation

To prevent the percolation of liquids stored in the jars

To indicate the high value and rarity of the jars

Correct Answer:

To prevent the percolation of liquids stored in the jars


Recent archaeological discoveries indicate that copper was likely obtained from Oman, located on the southeastern tip of the Arabian peninsula. Through chemical analysis, traces of nickel have been found in both Omani copper and Harappan artefacts, suggesting a shared origin. Additional evidence of contact between the two regions includes the presence of a distinct type of vessel known as a large Harappan jar with a thick layer of black clay coating. These coatings were designed to prevent liquid percolation, although the specific contents of these vessels remain unknown. It is plausible that the Harappans engaged in trade, potentially exchanging the contents of these vessels for Omani copper.