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General Knowledge


The Gol Gumbad (Gumbaz) of ________ is the mausoleum of Muhammad Adil Shah.






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (2) - Bijapur

The Gol Gumbaz, also known as Gumbaz, is a famous mausoleum located in the city of Bijapur, Karnataka, India. It is the tomb of Muhammad Adil Shah, the Sultan of Bijapur, who ruled from 1627 to 1657. Constructed in the 17th century, the Gol Gumbaz is an architectural marvel renowned for its massive dome, which dominates the skyline of Bijapur. The name "Gol Gumbaz" translates to "circular dome" in Persian, referring to the imposing dome that covers the central chamber of the mausoleum.

The Gol Gumbaz is a fine example of Deccan architecture, characterized by its distinctive features such as the bulbous dome, octagonal towers, and intricate ornamentation. The structure is built entirely of dark grey basalt stone, giving it a striking appearance. One of the most remarkable aspects of the Gol Gumbaz is its acoustic properties. The interior of the dome contains a whispering gallery, where even the softest sound can travel across the vast space and echo multiple times. Visitors often engage in a fascinating experience of hearing their whispers reverberate around the dome.

The central chamber of the Gol Gumbaz houses the cenotaph of Muhammad Adil Shah, surrounded by the tombs of his family members and courtiers. The mausoleum also features a beautiful garden and a mosque located adjacent to the main structure. The Gol Gumbaz stands as a testament to the architectural and artistic achievements of the Adil Shahi dynasty and is a significant historical and cultural landmark in the region. It attracts tourists, historians, and architecture enthusiasts from around the world who come to admire its grandeur and learn about its rich history.