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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Environment and Natural Resources


Sacred groves embody a rich set of forest preservation practices and they share characteristics with common property resource systems. Their size ranges from clumps of a few trees to several hundred acres. Traditionally, sacred groves have been valued for their embodied spiritual and cultural attributes. Hindus commonly worshipped natural objects, including trees and groves. Many temples have originated from sacred groves. Deep religious reverence for nature, rather than resource scarcity, seems to be the basis for the long-standing commitment to preserving these forests

Which of the following Act passed in India is not related to the protection of the environment or resources?


India’s National Auto-fuel Policy

The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019

Electricity Act of 2003

The Energy Conservation Act passed in 2001

Correct Answer:

The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019


The Indian government is already participating in global efforts through a number of programs. For example, India’s National Auto-fuel Policy mandates cleaner fuels for vehicles. The Energy Conservation Act passed in 2001, outlines initiatives to improve energy efficiency. Similarly, the Electricity Act of 2003 encourages the use of renewable energy. Recent trends in importing natural gas and encouraging the adoption of clean coal technologies show that India has been making real efforts.