Practicing Success

Target Exam





Accounting Ratios


Read the following information carefully and answer the question.

The Balance Sheet of ABC Ltd as on 31 March 2022:

Liabilities Amount (₹)
Asset Amount (₹)
Share Capital Equity(₹10) 4,00,000 Fixed Assets 9,50,000
12% preference shares 1,00,000 Current Assets 2,34,000
General Reserve 1,84,000    
10% Debentures 4,00,000    
Current Liabilities 1,00,000    
  11,84,000   11,84,000

Additional information :

1. Market price of share = 34

2. Net profit after tax = 1,50,000

3. Tax = 50,000

Earning Per Share (EPS) will be :






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option 3- ₹3.45.

* Equity capital = 4,00,000
Face value = ₹10
No of equity shares = 4,00,000/10
                             = 40,000

Net profit after tax = 1,50,000
Dividend on preference shares = 1,00,000 x 12/100
                                             = 12,000

* Profit after preference dividend = 1,50,000 - 12,000
                                                     = 1,38,000
This is profit that is left for equity shareholders.

Earning per share = Profit left for equity shareholders/No of equity shares
                          = 1,38,000/40,000
                          = ₹3.45