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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Modern Histoy


The border line which separate Indian and Pakistan is known as _________ .


Lahore line

McMahon line

Radcliffe line

Delhi line

Correct Answer:

Radcliffe line


The correct answer is Option 3- Radcliffe line

The border line which separates India and Pakistan is known as the Radcliffe Line.

It was named after Cyril Radcliffe, who was appointed by the British government to draw the border between India and Pakistan after the partition of India in 1947. Radcliffe was given a very short deadline to complete the task, and he was not able to consult with any of the stakeholders involved. As a result, the Radcliffe Line was drawn in a very arbitrary manner, and it divided many villages, families, and even communities.

The Radcliffe Line has been the source of much tension and conflict between India and Pakistan since independence. There have been numerous border skirmishes and even wars over the border. The Radcliffe Line has also been blamed for the displacement of millions of people during the partition of India.

Today, the Radcliffe Line remains the de facto border between India and Pakistan. It is a heavily militarized border, and it is one of the most dangerous international borders in the world.