Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Nature and significance of Management


'To become a Chartered Accountant in India, a candidate has to clear a specified examination conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India' . Which Characteristic of management as a profession is highlighted in the above statement?


Ethical code of conduct

Professional Association

Well defined body of knowledge

Restricted entry

Correct Answer:

Restricted entry


The correct answer is Option (4) - Restricted entry

The characteristic of management as a profession highlighted in the statement is Restricted entry. The statement mentions that to become a Chartered Accountant in India, a candidate has to clear a specified examination conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This indicates that entry into the profession is restricted and requires meeting certain criteria or qualifications.

Profession is a paid occupation that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification. Profession has following features-
(i) Well-defined body of knowledge: All professions are based on a well-defined body of knowledge that can be acquired through instruction. There is marked growth in management as a discipline. It is based on a systematic body of knowledge comprising well-defined principles based on a variety of business situations. This knowledge can be acquired at different colleges and professional institutes and through a number of books and journals. 
(ii) Restricted entry: The entry to a profession is restricted through an examination or through acquiring an educational degree. There is no restriction on anyone being designated or appointed as manager in any business enterprise. Anyone can be called a manager irrespective of the educational qualifications possessed.
(iii) Professional association: All professions are affiliated to a professional association which regulates entry, grants certificate of practice and formulates and enforces a code of conduct. To be able to practice in India lawyers have to become members of the Bar Council which regulates and controls their activities. There are several associations of practising managers in India, like the AIMA that has laid down a code of conduct to regulate the activities of their members. There is, however, no compulsion for managers to be members of such an association nor does it have any statutory backing.
(iv) Ethical code of conduct: All professions are bound by a code of conduct which guides the behaviour of its members. All doctors, for example, take the oath of ethical practice at the time they enter the profession.
(v) Service motive: The basic motive of a profession is to serve their client’s interests by rendering dedicated and committed service. The task of a lawyer is to ensure that his client gets justice. The basic purpose of management is to help the organisation achieve its stated goal. This may be profit maximisation for a business enterprise and service for a hospital.