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Which of the following crime is a crime against public order as per Indian Penal Code 1860?


arson and rioting

arson, rioting and dacoity

arson, rioting and rape

arson, rioting and counterfeiting

Correct Answer:

arson and rioting


Broad classification of crimes under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) is as under:

  1. Crimes Against Body: Murder, Culpable Homicide not amounting to Murder, Kidnapping & Abduction, Assault etc.
  2. Crimes Against Property: Dacoity, Robbery, Burglary, Theft.
  3. Crimes Against Public Order: Riots, Arson
  4. Economic Crimes: Cheating, Counterfeiting
  5. Crimes Against Women: Rape, Dowry Death, Cruelty by Husband and Relatives, Molestation, Sexual harassment and Importation of Girls.
  6. Crimes Against Children: Child Rape, Kidnapping & Abduction of Children, Selling/Buying of girls for Prostitution, Abetment to Suicide, Infanticide, Foeticide.
  7. Other IPC Crimes