Practicing Success

Target Exam





Indian Society: Patterns of Social Inequality and Exclusion


A person from a well-off family after completing MBA from a foreign university gets a well paid job through an influential relative. What kind of capital does the person have?

(A) Physical Capital

(B) Social Capital

(C) Administrative Capital

(D) Cultural Capital

(E) Economic Capital

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


(B), (D) And (E) Only

(B), (C) And (E) Only

(B), (D) And (A) Only

(A), (B) And (E) Only

Correct Answer:

(B), (D) And (E) Only


In every society, some people have a greater share of valued resources – money, property, education, health, and power – than others. These social resources can be divided into three forms of capital – economic capital in the form of material assets and income; cultural capital such as educational qualifications and status; and social capital in the form of networks of contacts and social associations (Bourdieu 1986). Often, these three forms of capital overlap and one can be converted into the other. For example, a person from a well-off family (economic capital) can afford expensive higher education, and so can acquire cultural or educational capital. Someone with influential relatives and friends (social capital) may – through access to good advice, recommendations or information – manage to get a well-paid job.