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Target Exam





Arrange in Meaningful Sequence


Examine the four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options, pick the one that gives their correct order.

A. The neighbour mentioned that he sold well not the water inside it.

B. The wicked neighbor thought plan not to give water to the farmer.

C. One day, a farmer bought a well from his neighbor.

D. The next day, the neighbor didn’t allow the farmer to take water.






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (3) - CBDA

C. One day, a farmer bought a well from his neighbor. This sentence sets the context for the story by introducing the farmer and his interaction with his neighbor.

B. The wicked neighbor thought plan not to give water to the farmer. After the well is sold, the neighbor, with malicious intent, plans not to provide water to the farmer. This sentence follows logically after the farmer buys the well.

D. The neighbour mentioned that he sold well not the water inside it. Here, the neighbor clarifies that he sold only the well and not the water inside it, which leads to the conflict in the story.

A. The next day, the neighbor didn’t allow the farmer to take water. This sentence concludes the story, indicating that the neighbor followed through with his plan and denied the farmer access to the water.

So, the correct sequence is CBDA.