Practicing Success

Target Exam





Human Health and Disease


Match List I with List - II.

List I   Disease
List - II  Pathogen
(A) Pneumonia (I) Salmonella typhi
(B) Typhoid (II) Plasmodium falciparum
(C) Malaria (III) Wuchereria bancrofti
(D) Filariasis (IV) Haemophilus influenzae

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


(A)-(I), (B)-(IV), (C)-(III), (D)-(II)

(A)-(IV), (B)-(I), (C)-(II), (D)-(III)

(A)-(IV), (B)-(III), (C)-(I), (D)-(II)

(A)-(III), (B)-(I), (C)-(IV), (D)-(II)

Correct Answer:

(A)-(IV), (B)-(I), (C)-(II), (D)-(III)


The correct answer is Option (2) - (A)-(IV), (B)-(I), (C)-(II), (D)-(III)

List I   Disease
List - II  Pathogen
(A) Pneumonia (IV) Haemophilus influenzae
(B) Typhoid (I) Salmonella typhi
(C) Malaria (II) Plasmodium falciparum
(D) Filariasis (III) Wuchereria bancrofti

Pneumonia is a disease that affects the alveoli, which are the air-filled sacs in the lungs. Bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae are commonly responsible for causing pneumonia in humans.

Salmonella typhi is a bacterium that causes typhoid fever, a severe and potentially life-threatening illness. The bacterium enters the body primarily through the consumption of contaminated food and water. This means that when a person ingests food or water that is contaminated with Salmonella typhi, the bacterium enters their digestive system, specifically the small intestine.

Plasmodium, the parasite that causes malaria, completes its life cycle in two hosts. The asexual phase of the life cycle occurs in the human host, while the sexual phase occurs in the female Anopheles mosquito.

Wuchereria bancrofti and Wuchereria malayi are types of filarial worms that can cause a condition known as elephantiasis or filariasis. These worms live in the lymphatic vessels of the lower limbs, as well as in the genital organs, leading to chronic inflammation and damage over many years.