Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Forms of Business Organisation


Which of the following is not a merit of Cooperative Society?


Equality in voting status

Unlimited liability

Stable existence

Support from government

Correct Answer:

Unlimited liability


The correct answer is option 2- Unlimited liability.

The liability of members of a cooperative society is limited to the extent of their capital contribution. The personal assets of the members are, therefore, safe from being used to repay business debts.

The cooperative society offers many benefits to its members. Some of the advantages of the cooperative form of organisation are as follows.

  • (i) Equality in voting status: The principle of ‘one man one vote’ governs the cooperative society. Irrespective of the amount of capital contribution by a member, each member is entitled to equal voting rights.
  • (ii) Limited liability: The liability of members of a cooperative society is limited to the extent of their capital contribution. The personal assets of the members are, therefore, safe from being used to repay business debts.
  • (iii) Stable existence: Death, bankruptcy or insanity of the members do not affect continuity of a cooperative society. A society, therefore, operates unaffected by any change in the membership.
  • (iv) Economy in operations: The members generally offer honorary services to the society. As the focus is on elimination of middlemen, this helps in reducing costs. The customers or producers themselves are members of the society, and hence the risk of bad debts is lower.
  • (v) Support from government: The cooperative society exemplifies the idea of democracy and hence finds support from the Government in the form of low taxes, subsidies, and low interest rates on loans.
  • (vi) Ease of formation: The cooperative society can be started with a minimum of ten members. The registration procedure is simple involving a few legal formalities. Its formation is governed by the provisions of Cooperative Societies Act 1912.